“Adamm, Orb and Co. Not only can wearables today record vital data thanks to edge technologies. They can also analyse this information instantly. Smart assistants support employees in healthcare in an incredible variety of ways. Central structures in patient healthcare are reaching their limits when it comes to mastering the challenges in the healthcare sector. Due to a lack of trained personnel, chronic diseases and a general need for greater efficiency. Intelligence is increasingly migrating to the edge.
The healthcare sector is facing enormous challenges, because costs are exploding worldwide. Market researchers at Deloitte expect that the global health spend in 2022 will rise to 10 billion dollars. In the year 2017 this figure was 7.7 billion US dollars. Chronic diseases are arising with increasing frequency. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), 13 million people worldwide die each year before reaching the age of 70. Causes are cardiovascular diseases, chronic respiratory diseases, diabetes and cancer. What’s more, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find the right personnel who can offer medical services on a comprehensive basis.
Wearables analyse vital parameters
One solution for overcoming these challenges is to use IoT edge devices and their underlying computer architectures. For example, wearable edge devices can collect, store and analyse critical patient data. Without having to be in constant contact with a network infrastructure. Such medical products therefore help diagnoses to be made quickly and easily. Everything without the patient necessarily having to attend a medical practice or a hospital. In addition, the information collected can be sent at regular intervals to the central servers in the cloud. Where it is checked by the attending physician or stored for long-term diagnoses.
Warning of asthma attacks with Adamm
One example is Adamm – a wearable intelligent asthma monitor that detects the symptoms of an asthma attack before it happens. The wearer can therefore take action before the situation deteriorates. The sensors in the wearable detect the patient’s individual symptoms. They monitor the cough rate, breathing pattern, heartbeat, temperature and other relevant data.
The asthma monitor uses algorithms to learn the patient’s “normal condition”. Its ability to detect when an attack is indicated therefore improves continually over time. All of the data is processed on the device itself. Whenever the data deviates from the patient’s individual norm, the wearable vibrates and thus informs the patient about the deviation. At the same time, Adamm can also send an SMS to a previously nominated nurse or person of trust. The device is not dependent on the computing power of a smartphone and therefore offers true autonomy. However, Adamm can send data as needed to an app or a web portal.”